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Seminar timetable


Since 2025 Andrew has helped coordinate the Online Collective Behaviour Seminar Series. In 2023 David Sumpter and James (Teddy) Herbert-Read started the series to "breathe new life in to the area" and so colleagues could "catch up on what we have been doing and discuss ways ahead". Seminars are hosted on Zoom and are strictly 15 minutes long, with 15 minutes of questions, and David and Teddy set out the following principles for the seminar series:


  1. We study collective behaviour at all levels of biological and social organisation.

  2. We focus on questions about how individual behaviour produce emergent collective patterns.

  3. We use mathematical models as common tools for understanding how these systems work.

  4. We prioritise mechanistic (‘how’) and functional (‘why’) explanations (as opposed to purely statistical, data-mined or "machine learnt" relationships).

  5. We adopt a multidisciplinary and inclusive approach, where very different views are encouraged to interact.


You can subscribe to this mailing list to keep up to date and for information on seminars.

You can view the upcoming and past seminars here.

Flock of Birds
Elephant Herd
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